If you have any questions about the images you see OR are interested in purchasing prints, contact me via the Contact page. Thank you.

This Great Grey Owl Black & White with its yellow eyes color enhanced was something I've been wanting to do for a while.  I finally got a perch shot that worked for my eye.

Perched Great Grey Owl in B&W…with Yellow Eyes

Myers Beach on the southern Oregon Coast

Another B&W image of a color landscape shot.  Not sure which one I like better.

Isolated Oregon Coast Petrified Stump

This image is a B&W with the yellow eyes and beak of the owl colorized along with the red rose hips.

Great Grey Owl Coming At You…in colorized B&W

Same group of ferrel horses that I shot above, but in a different pose.

North Dakota Feral Horses II

Normally I'd have this Northern Shoveler paddling into the frame.  However, I thought this composition worked better with the waves being just as important in the image.

Northern Shoveler in Etched B&W

Adult Bald Eagle coming in to perch.

Perching Bald Eagle in Etched B&W

Hovering American Kestrel looking for a meal.

American Kestrel in Etched B&W

Adult Bald Eagle bringing some nesting material.

Bald Eagle Bring Sticks to the Nest in B&W

Male Bufflehead Skimming the Water Surface

Yes, this is a black & white version of the color image in the Wildlife Gallery.  I think they both have distinctly different appeals.

Great Blue Heron & The Rock in B&W

“Naked” Aspen

These were ferral horses I shot in Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  The sky was very smokey that day, but it worked well for a B&W image.

North Dakota Feral Horses

Another B&W image of a color shot.  Some of these I just can't decide which I like better.

Osprey Diving on a Bald Eagle in B&W

The central Oregon coast in B&W.

Misty Oregon Coast in B&W

Drake and Hen Mallard Ducks.  I love the reflection here.

Pair of Mallards in B&W